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Next Age launch in 2022

CDP Venture Capital launches Next Age: 5.46 million investment for Europe’s first accelerator dedicated to the growth of startups operating in the Silver Economy

Part of the CDP National Accelerator Network, the program is managed by AC75 Startup Accelerator in collaboration with international venture capital  SOSV

Rome, March 24, 2022 – CDP Venture Capital is launching Next Age, the first pathway in Europe aimed at startups developing solutions dedicated to the Silver Economy, the sector of products and services aimed at the over-50 population that is estimated to reach the value of 5.7 trillion euros, equal to a third of European GDP by 2025. The program is part of the CDP National Accelerator Network, a network present throughout the country, with the goal of helping the growth of startups specializing in markets with the greatest potential.

Next Age was created at the initiative of CDP Venture Capital together with AC75 Startup Accelerator, the startup accelerator promoted by Fondazione Marche together with Fondazione Cariverona and Università Politecnica delle Marche, the international venture capital firm SOSV, which manages early-stage startup development programs, and features Intesa Sanpaolo as main partner as well as Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani (IRRCS INRCA), Università Politecnica delle Marche and UK National Innovation Center for Aging (UK NICA), which will be scientific partners in the initiative.

The program is part of a collaboration between CDP Venture Capital with Fondazione Marche and Fondazione Cariverona, which led to the total allocation of 8 million euros for the development of innovative startups and SMEs in the area.

With an initial endowment of 5.46 million, underwritten by CDP Venture Capital’s Accelerator Fund and AC75 Startup Accelerator, Next Age aims to boost the growth of startups operating in the Silver Economy, a cross-cutting sector that embraces innovative solutions for the emerging needs of the over-50 population, from wellness to health, from new housing and care models to recreation, from mobility to tourism, and dedicated financial and insurance services. In addition to an initial investment for startups selected by the program, the endowment includes capital for subsequent post-acceleration follow-ons for startups with the greatest growth potential.

Next Age is a three-year program that plans to select about 10 seed and pre-seed startups each year, who will have access to a structured 4-month journey with the support of accelerator partners, to be guided toward validating their business model.

The Next Age accelerator will be based in Ancona in the spaces of Palazzo Camerata, home of AC75 Startup Accelerator, and can be attended by participating startups in a hybrid mode: physical and digital.
The call for the selection of the first 10 startups to participate in Next Age is open from today until May 31 at www.nextage.io, Applications are open to Italian and international startups that intend to open a registered office in Italy.