We research, select and invest in startups with strong innovative content, supporting them through capital investments and specific acceleration programs that also involve young talent with the aim of boosting the regional and national economy.
Next Age is the first acceleration program in Europe specifically dedicated to startups in the Silver Economy, the sector for products and services dedicated to the over-50s.
For each edition we select 10 innovative projects that will be accelerated and have access to 3 investment rounds
The call for Next Age, the first acceleration program in
CDP Venture Capital launches Next Age: 5.46 million investment for
Digital platforms and artificial intelligence, these are the innovative ingredients
Thursday, October 13, 2022; the Next Age Demo Day was
On Friday, February 17 2023, the international conference was held
AC75 STARTUP ACCELERATOR S.P.A. Via Manfredo Fanti, 9 60121, Ancona (AN) ac75startupaccelerator@legalmail.it N° REA: AN – 278170 P.IVA: 02907050427 Capitale Sociale € 1.100.000 i.v.